Handcrafted & played by ear since 2007
new shows for the fall of '25 to be announced
The intimate trio shows were a blast, and a fun way to start the year a time when most venues are laying low and we often take time of to write and record.
We stumbled oin some new ways to play things, not least due to good use of the banjo Nikolaj had gotten for his birthday in December.

Uanset hvad man vil kalde den musik The DeSoto Caucus spiller, er det de sejt flydende grooves, det sprøde twang, boblende orgel og de frønnede guitarer der umiddelbart fanger opmærksomheden. Gode sange der sætter scenen for musikalske fortællinger om øde landeveje, vildfarne sjæle og månens magiske tiltrækningskraft. Det er håndspillet, organisk og dynamisk.
The DeSoto Caucus udspringer af det amerikanske band Giant Sand med Howe Gelb i front, og har siden 2008 udsendt 4 plader med original nordicana. I en årrække satte bandet en lang række internationale solister musikalsk i scene under Aarhus Festuge og turnerede sideløbende både som Giant Sand og The DeSoto Caucus, men også som backing for f.eks. M.Ward, senest i Storbritannien i sommeren '22. Der er altid gang i nye indspilninger på Århus Havn eller i Hjortdals bakker hvor bandet søger tilflugt når der skal arbejdes uforstyrret.
Anders ”Nolde” Pedersen, Peter Dombernowsky, Nikolaj Heyman og Henrik Poulsen optræder og indspiller i alverdens sammenhænge (Giant Sand, Isobel Campbell, M.Ward, Dancer, Marie Frank, Peter Sommer, Mukherjee Development m.fl.) - men det er som The DeSoto Caucus at de tager fat om deres musikalske rødder i den amerikanske tradition, som de behandler på en meget nordisk måde.

back with howe gelb as giant sand:
9 years after their last album together, Howe Gelb and his Danish compadres can no longer leave it be; coincidences made them part ways, and in many ways, it's coincidences that now draw them back together. A short spontaneous reunion set at a Howe Gelb solo show in 2021 sparked a flame that is now burning so strong that the inevitable becomes real.
Thus fans of alt. country, americana, or what Gelb has dubbed “erosion rock” gets a chance to join the gang as they revive their best work and shed light on new material.
In September the DeSoto Caucus & Howe Gelb remerge to pick up where they left off sometime after their 2015 show at the Glastonbury festival. It's the tight energetic outfit that first caught the attention of Giant Sand fans with the 2004 album ”All Over the Map” and made Pitchfork's Matthew Murphy note that:
“I can't say for certain whether or not it's due to the exit of his former bandmates, but something has certainly got him [Howe Gelb] all riled up here. Throughout the album, he sounds as ornery as a javelina in an undersized cage, and the result is some of the rowdiest Giant Sand music since 1992 [..] he leads the (predominantly European) ensemble through some of Giant Sand's most satisfying Crazy Horse-derived rockers ever.”

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